Our cooperation with the Gelinger Bucht educational landscape

We are now working together with the Bildungslandschaft Geltinger Bucht! For this purpose, various actions are planned for this year starting in the summer, which we prepare together energetically and motivated! Whether it’s a beach party or a movie night, look forward to exciting adventures together with our club bus!

Club bus conversion can start!
The club bus
A bus converted for youth and youth events. As a platform to share their story, have fun and live.
A project by Christian Reich and Nico Lange.
Barn for club bus conversion wanted
We, Christian, Nico and our friends, are converting the regular articulated bus into a club bus from the end of April until the summer. The reconstruction is done by ourselves and other young people and expert helpers and is part of our youth project work. A barn site for our conversion is now found in Steinbergkirche, with the bus we have already moved there! There are still some preparations to make in April, we are already very excited and enthusiastic to start crafting with you young people!
The bus
The club bus formed from the idea of a mobile club base. Mobile because we don’t want to stay to ourselves, we want to go among people. Where we can bring hope and friendship. It is planned to convert the bus into a roadworthy club bus, equipped with a kitchen, a team and community room, a technical room and storage space for equipment, among other things.
In the summer, when the weather is good, we plan exciting and fun activities together with other enthusiasts, such as a summer party, open-air movie nights and so on, which makes the hearts beat faster.
Appointments at schools are also planned starting in the summer.
We will announce the times for the reconstruction, for meetings and also other activities on INSTAGRAM “team4jc” and on the website of the educational landscape.
If you would like to work on a bus and experience some crazy adventures, then get in touch with us via Instagram or email.
Who we are
We as initiators are 19 and 20 years young, born and raised in the district of Schleswig-Flensburg. Our motto: Be real, live life, have fun and, as we can, help young people. It is precisely in these difficult times that we have recognized anew for ourselves the value of friendship and trust. Community that also encourages us to leave our comfort zone sometimes. Community that inspires us to hope again. In all of this, the Christian faith is also important to us. We may experience what it means to get new courage to live from a faith relationship with God through Jesus Christ, thereby also experiencing help, hope and stability for the respective circumstances in everyday life and, as we allow it, also being changed by Him.
This is us, these are our motives, this is important to us, and all this we want to share with people our age.
The vision
We want to help young people seize opportunities, recognize their own talents and promote them. Quite practically also by common handicraft projects on and around the club bus, and also sometimes completely individually, so that one finds time for the individual.
We want to create a place for a youth community where young people can feel accepted, valued, protected and also loved. A place where they can share their story and dare to be who they are, with all their strengths and weaknesses.
We want to convey that being genuine and having friendships has a positive impact on you and your surroundings. This also leads to being able to dream and to realize dreams collectively. Experiencing this and building on it together is our motive: to give rise to new hope, not only for ourselves, of course, but also for others.
Instagram: team4jc | Email: info@team4jc.de | Contact: Nico Lange, Steinbergkirche | Phone 04632-8765902

Club bus comes to the beach party
The CLUB BUS was also at the start!
Christian and Nico performed some very cool rap songs and opened the bus doors for anyone interested! Thank you very much for your effort, you have enriched the party very much with your live acts 🙂

Educational Landscape Geltinger Bay | Beach Party | The Club Bus
At the beach party was also the CLUB BUS!
Christian and Nico performed some very cool rap songs and opened the bus doors for anyone interested! Thank you very much for your effort, you have enriched the party with your live acts!!!

Educational Landscape Geltinger Bay | Announcement Beach Party | The Club Bus
The CLUB BUS comes to the Beach Party
Christian and Nico will be in the turnaround area at the beach parking lot and will open the doors for you!
We are especially excited about the rap songs they will perform with their band!!!
So come by on saturday, it will be a cool party
Educational landscape Geltinger Bight | The reconstruction can start | The Club Bus

Club bus conversion can start
We, Christian, Nico and our friends, are converting the regular articulated bus into a club bus from the end of April until the summer. The reconstruction is done by ourselves and other young people and expert helpers and is part of our youth project work. A barn site for our conversion is now found in Steinbergkirche, with the bus we have already moved there! There are still some preparations to make in April, we are already very excited and enthusiastic to start crafting with you young people!
The club bus formed from the idea of a mobile club base. Mobile because we don’t want to stay to ourselves, we want to go among people. Where we can bring hope and friendship. It is planned to convert the bus into a roadworthy club bus, equipped with a kitchen, a team and community room, a technical room and storage space for equipment, among other things.
In the summer, when the weather is good, we plan exciting and fun activities together with other enthusiasts, such as a summer party, open-air movie nights and so on, which makes the hearts beat faster.
Appointments at schools are also planned starting in the summer.
We will announce the times for the reconstruction, for meetings and also other activities on INSTAGRAM “team4jc” and on the website of the educational landscape.
If you would like to work on a bus and experience some crazy adventures, then contact us at
Instagram: team4jc | Email: info@team4jc.de | Contact: Nico Lange, Steinbergkirche | Phone 04632-8765902
Geltinger Bay Education Landscape | Relief Goods Collection Ukraine | The Club Bus
Geltinger Bay Education Landscape | Relief Goods Collection Ukraine | The Club Bus

Relief supplies collection for Ukraine in Steinbergkirche!
Tuesday 15.03. 16-19 h
Wednesday 16.03. 10-14 h
On the bus, in the pride parking lot!
On 17.03. a coordinated relief operation is being carried out on the Ukrainian border to take in 50 women and children. For this purpose, 3 vehicles are used, including an articulated bus. This operation is accompanied by 8 people from the district Sl-Fl. This action takes place in cooperation with the Flüchtlingshile Flensburg and other associations.
The following relief supplies were specifically requested from Ukraine last night:
Hygiene products, wet wipes, adult and baby diapers, panty liners, shaving foam, disposable razors, soap, shampoo
Canned food of all kinds, dry food, cookies, instant food, powdered milk, chocolate, dextrose, etc.
Educational Landscape Geltinger Bay | Barn Wanted | The Club Bus

Barn, hall or workshop wanted!!!
This year the Bildungslandschaft will actively support the wonderful youth project of Christian Reich and Nico Lange!
The two young adults have a great plan with their club bus to support other youth, experience community and foster friendships!
To convert their club bus they are looking for a suitable place in a hall, barn or workshop, or a covered space or room in a yard or business. Who could help?
Contact: Nico Lange, Steinbergkirche | Phone 04632-8765902 | Instagram team4jc
More information about Nico, Christian and their project can be found here: